Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Im ag•i• na• tion - noun - the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful
In a world no longer stewarding imagination in our little ones, we strive to feed their Father-given dreams, relationships, and passions through creative teaching and worship. Each Sunday morning, children ranging from preschool to 5th grade are fed through every aspect of their imagination, with hands-on learning and engaging leaders. It's our goal to instill Kingdom principles in a way that is effective and fun!
In a world no longer stewarding imagination in our little ones, we strive to feed their Father-given dreams, relationships, and passions through creative teaching and worship. Each Sunday morning, children ranging from preschool to 5th grade are fed through every aspect of their imagination, with hands-on learning and engaging leaders. It's our goal to instill Kingdom principles in a way that is effective and fun!
Mission Statement
‘In Judges 2:10 there is a verse that says: “There came a generation that did not know God or his works.”
Our passion is for a generation that this scripture will never apply to.
Our heart is for a generation to come that doesn’t just know God and his works; but a generation that dwells with God and performs his works. A generation so hungry and so desperately in tune with God that every synapse of their brain is saturated with His Spirit. A generation to come, where every thought that fires into their head are God ordained and Holy Spirit led.
Partner with us as we partner with the next generation, to learn all about God, and his works.
Our passion is for a generation that this scripture will never apply to.
Our heart is for a generation to come that doesn’t just know God and his works; but a generation that dwells with God and performs his works. A generation so hungry and so desperately in tune with God that every synapse of their brain is saturated with His Spirit. A generation to come, where every thought that fires into their head are God ordained and Holy Spirit led.
Partner with us as we partner with the next generation, to learn all about God, and his works.
What do we need from you?
Role models
Are you a mirror that brightly reflects the glory of God? (2 Corinthians 3:18) Are you an image of co-glorification with Christ? You have the ability to be Christ on earth, find that identity, live it!
Unhinged, Holy Spirit urged, chain breaking, mountain moving, identity finding, prayer cover. The kind that breaks your heart just as God’s heartbreaks, the kind that keeps you up at night in tune with Holy Spirit, uttering prayers on your behalf. We need downright deep, plugged right into heaven, prayers.
Baby holders. Life breathers. Dream inspirers. Voice of God teachers, mountain movers. I need you! I need those of you with a passion to ensure that a generation never follows us, that does not know God or his works.’
Are you a mirror that brightly reflects the glory of God? (2 Corinthians 3:18) Are you an image of co-glorification with Christ? You have the ability to be Christ on earth, find that identity, live it!
Unhinged, Holy Spirit urged, chain breaking, mountain moving, identity finding, prayer cover. The kind that breaks your heart just as God’s heartbreaks, the kind that keeps you up at night in tune with Holy Spirit, uttering prayers on your behalf. We need downright deep, plugged right into heaven, prayers.
Baby holders. Life breathers. Dream inspirers. Voice of God teachers, mountain movers. I need you! I need those of you with a passion to ensure that a generation never follows us, that does not know God or his works.’
Check out the video below for a preview of what Sundays are like in the Kid's Ministry at Impact!